Destruction of private archives

Organisations manage vast amounts of very sensitive information on paper or computer media (CDs/DVDs, USB sticks, hard drives, other digital storage).

As per the privacy legislation (Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003), these same

organisations are obliged to avoid the information contained therein (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, photos, videos, bank account numbers, personal data in general, including of a sensitive type such as health data) falling into the hands of third parties when disposing of paper and/or digital archives.

This is primarily for the purpose of not exposing themselves and others to serious risks, such as data manipulation and identity theft.

The safest way to manage the disposal of archives (paper and digital) is through physical destruction.

In this sense, INTERECO SERVICES serves organisations with

dedicated and controlled transportation of archives to the group’s disposal plants, where paper and computer-based media are destroyed through shredding.