Remediation of friable asbestos

The remediation of friable asbestos materials poses problems for the protection of workers and the environment far greater than the remediation of asbestos in a compact matrix.

The setting up of confined areas with related decontamination units is the main operational solution for addressing the aforementioned problems.
Friable asbestos is mainly found as insulation or sealing for pipes and machines, as an intumescent product of pillars and floors in metal carpentry and in vinyl flooring adhesives. INTERECO SERVIZI has also accumulated unique experiences in this highly specialised area, both in terms of size (for example, interventions on entire real estate complexes) and operational complexities (for example, interventions in underground rooms or in cramped environments such as those of a ship).

For the remediation of friable asbestos, INTERECO SERVIZI only uses its own employees and specific equipment in its possession.